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Hinemihi Marae reserves the right to hold tangihanga over any confirmed booking. When this occurs the Person/Group will be notified as soon as possible, and all monies paid will be returned in full


Definition of Groups


Community Groups: Are defined as all non-profit community groups, charitable Organisations, primary schools, high schools church groups and sporting clubs.

Internal Groups: Are defined as hapu, Whanau reunions, weddings, unveilings and birthdays

External Groups: Are defined as Tertiary Institutes, Government and Corporate groups

Booking Process

On receipt of Hireage agreement your booking will be assessed by the Marae Committee and if accepted – an invoice will be generated and emailed to you for payment. Hinemihi Marae is a Registered Charitable Trust and receipt of payment can be included as a Charities donation in your annual tax return. All payments are to be deposited directly into the Marae account. Internet banking details will be included with invoice.

Please include the Hirer name as reference so that the payments can be tracked easily.

Exit Process

Upon exiting the Marae. The Caretaker will walk through property with Hirer to inspect and fill out the checklist and sign off. If the condition of the facilities is deemed satisfactory hirer will return the keys to the Caretaker.

Te Poho O Hinemihi Marae Booking Link

Hireage Agreement

Click Here to read the Hireage Agreement and accept the terms and conditions.




Te Poho O Hinemihi will provide mattresses and pillows for sleep over events as well as sheets and pillowcases when required.

You will need to provide your own quilts, blankets, sleeping bags

Please ensure all tea towels are washed dried and put away before exiting the Marae
Please make sure you have an adequate supply of rubbish bags and dish washing liquid to last your stay

Rubbish Removal

Please ensure you take your rubbish with you, if you are unable please advise the booking officer (NOTE: you will be charged per standard bag of $6.00 each)
We encourage recycling your items to keep the cost down and to be environmentally friendly.

Health and Safety

Please make yourself familiar with the location of:
First Aid Kit – Available in the Kitchen
Fire Extinguishers – Located in the Wharenui (Meeting House) and Whare Kai (Kitchen)
Evacuation Plan
Please address these aspects of Health and Safety with your group upon arrival

Tangihanga and Internal Functions

Whanau pertaining to this event are required to come to the marae and prepare the wharenui. This includes the ablution blocks and showers. The whanau are also required to maintain them throughout the duration of the event.

Marae Upkeep During Stay

During your stay you are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the complex and equipment used. Please refer to the “Hirers Checklist” at the back of this Information Package. You will be provided with brooms, mops and buckets for the use in designated areas. It is the responsibility of the hirer to supply their own cleaning detergents etc…. with the exception of community and formal groups where prior arrangements have been made.

Laundry Service

We do not have washer or dryers available for personal use. For personal washing we suggest using the 24/7 Laundromat in Bridge Street, Wairoa

Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking

The use of illegal drugs is not permitted in the Marae complex or grounds at any time.

The use of Alcohol is not permitted on the Marae Atea or in the Wharenui. There is a designated area for the consumption of Alcohol and this will be shown to you upon arrival.

Te Poho O Hinemihi is smoke free Marae. How ever there are designated smoking areas, outside the Kitchen area at the back. Please remove all butts and dispose of and Ash Cans that you have.


The Marae is inspected prior to your arrival and again after exiting. We carefully maintain an inventory of equipment for use during your stay. Should you wish to take home any left-over food from your hui it is the responsibility of the hirer to provide containers. Undisclosed missing or broken items will be charged back to the hirer so please endeavor to notify the Bookings Officer of any issues regarding equipment.

Supervision of Children

While the Marae seeks to provide a safe environment for Tamariki, it is the responsibility of your group to ensure their safety. Please note the Marae proximity to the river, and the steep drop to a deep waterway which is deemed a safety hazard for children.


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